Cha Shu Hua – Tea Tree Flower – 2021 Anhui Huang Mountain Wild Herbal Tea

7,99 42,99 

Origin: Huang Mountain, Anhui Province
Harvest: 2021 October Tea tree flowers from wild tea trees


Origin: Huang Mountain, Anhui Province
Harvest: 2021 October Tea tree flowers from wild tea trees
use Zisha clay or porcelain teawares to brew 8-9 rounds at 100℃, tea:water 1:40
  • dry tea tree flower is tender, fresh green and white color
  • tea soup honey yellow, clear and bright
  • the aroma is clean and high, tender, brisk and flowery fragrances
  • the taste is brisk and mellow, fresh and sweet, and sweet aftertaste
  • wet tea flower is tender white and green, whole flush, fresh and tender
The contents of protein, tea polysaccharides, tea polyphenols and active antioxidants in tea flowers are higher than those in tea leaves. With the popularization and application of asexual propagation technology, reproductive tea flower buds no longer have to bear the task of reproducing offspring, and a large number of tea flowers have become a burden of competing with tea buds and leaves for water and nutrition. In order to ensure the quality and quantity of tea in the next year, tea farmers should adopt the methods of manual pruning and spraying plant growth regulators to inhibit the reproductive growth of tea flowers every year.
Like tea, tea flowers have many health preserving effects beneficial to human body. Because tea tree flowers are long-term, they contain a variety of substances beneficial to the human body, especially the high content of antioxidant substances, and their antioxidant capacity is also relatively strong. At the same time, it also has the effects of detoxification, lipid-lowering, glucose lowering, anti-aging, anti-cancer, anti-cancer, nourishing, strengthening, beauty and so on.

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20g, 50g, 100g, 100g(Tin), 450g(Brick)

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Imserstr. 22
31061 Alfeld (Leine)