2023 Golden Snail – Yunnan Fengqing Black Tea

6,39 34,99 

Origin: Fengqing, Yunnan Province
Harvest: 2023 spring tea
Material: sprouts of ancient tea trees
Grade: Super Fine
SKU: TB11009 Categories: , Tags: , ,


Origin: Fengqing, Yunnan Province
Harvest: 2023 spring tea
Material: sprouts of ancient tea trees
Grade: Super Fine
use purple-clay or porcelain teawares to brew 3-4 rounds at 90-95℃, tea:water 1:18
  • dry tea strips are snail shape, tight and even, full with golden hair, lustrous reddish golden color
  • brilliant red tea soup with “golden ring”, clear and bright
  • high and sharp, strong honey and flowery fragrances
  • heavy and thick, sharp or strong pungent sweet tastes
  • wet tea is tender and bright red, even, fat and tender

Dian hong is used a big-leaf tea variety in Fengqing and Lincang of Yunnan province, also called “Yunnan Gongfu Black Tea”, usually made into a Baota-pagoda shape, this shape blooms like a flower after infusing into water.  It is used as a relatively high end gourmet black tea and is sometimes used in various tea blends. The main difference between Dian hong and other Chinese black teas is the amount of fine leaf buds, or “golden tips,” present in the dried tea.  Finer Dian hong produces a brew that is brassy golden orange in colour with a sweet, gentle aroma and no astringency. Cheaper varieties of Dian hong produce a darker brownish brew that can be very bitter.

Additional information


10g, 20g, 50g, 100g, 100g(Tin)

Manufacturer information

Imserstr. 22
31061 Alfeld (Leine)